No tatting again! Maybe tonight. I uninstalled the scanner because it continued not to recognize it. Not sure what to do now. The computer told me my digital camera was not compatible. LOL! It is pretty old. What an excuse to get a NEW one! I can use the one at work in the meantime. I wanted a new scanner anyway, so I will probably get that before I get a camera.
One of the people who works in my department is a woodworker on the side. He made me some boxes once for a friend - meant to hold floppy disks but they were just a tad too small so he sold me two for the price of one. But he has made some fabulous other pieces, miniature treasure chests and small trunks. Even a little inlaid stuff. Anyway, he sometimes stops by and asks me about crafty stuff. He had some bobbins once that he wasn't sure what they were. They were the kind used for weaving, before any of you bobbin lacers get all excited. Nothing special about them. The other day he stopped buy and whipped out some keys on a braided leather strap and asked me if I knew how to do that. Welp, nupe, I didn't. Seems he was the one who did it to begin with, but forgot how. LOL!
So I did a search last night on the web and found some interesting braiding but nothing quite like what he had. It was 3D and created a cord rather than a flat braid.
So browsing ebay and looking thru some of my favorite sellers .....I see this GORGEOUS crochet hook by Graydog Woodenware . The current bid is $75.00. Hey folks, they have size 14 hooks available! The nice thing is they will put in the size hook you want and sizes range from 00 to 14. I may have resized this too small - will make it bigger tomorrow. This one is Mother of Pearl.
Process: Color Options
12 hours ago
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