With the exception of unwrapped gifts under the tree and decorations still up, today was exceptionally normal. I caught up on laundry, dishes and.....heheheheh....tatting.
While I was in Vegas, I worked on the T.A.T. proficiency program. One particular bookmark by Pam Palmer required 2 shades of a color I didn't have with me so I only tatted the blossoms and butterfly and waited til now to get back to it. It took me 3 tries this morning to get going on it right....and I have 2 mistakes. So, I'm doing it over, have the blossoms done in blue this time, and an apricot butterfly. Will probably do the green tomorrow. I prefer to do that all in one shot so the tension stays even. In the one above, I forgot to join rings to the chain in a few spots. The blossoms and butterfly are all supposed to be attached so the same side is up, whether you do traditional or front side/back side tatting. Somehow, I got the last one upside down. If I hadn't forgotten to attach a the chains, I would just snip and redo the blossom, but it's too much to redo with the chains. So I'll just save this one and give it away sometime. I truly think my blossoms look better with my second try though.
The directions are on one side of the sheet and the photo and diagram are on the other side. I try to use both because it wasn't as clear to me where to join on the chain with the diagram, and in fact, that's why I forgot in 2 places.
I have only the corner bookmark left after this. I blocked the other pieces last night. Then I have some explanatory stuff to write up and will need to organize it all in a folder/binder and it will be ready to send off. The projects don't seem hard to me, but this is the apprentice one. The patterns are not as clear as I would like for this type of project, but I've been able to figure it out so far and noted when something wasn't working out.
I wonder what the next 2 phases entail?
Sue tells me the shuttle is to be used, not set aside. LOL! It is a clover which I prefer to use, so use it I will! In fact, I took it with me yesterday knowing I might get to the bookmark then and I needed 2 empty shuttles and only had one....but I didn't get to it until today.
I think that bookmark would make a lovely edging. The butterfly is a nice touch here and there. Can't you see it edging the bottom of little summer cropped top? Or a longer top? If someone were VERY ambitious, it would look nice at the bottom of a skirt or along a tablecloth. Don't look at me! LOL!
Here's the filet crochet mat I'm working on now.
I really enjoyed using the Snowman one I made last year. It was on top of a red plaid tablecover so it really stood out.
Well, tomorrow's back to work though it will nice and quiet and hopefully, I'll get my office more organized!
Happy New Year, 2025 – What a Start!
5 hours ago
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