I almost got burned out on travel this year. Next year will be slower and less hectic.

Okay.....three weeks in Australia might make up for it. Plus I do plan to go to Palmettos. But that's it. Really! For certain!
This new year I plan to finish all those wanna tats listed to the right. I would also like to go through some of my tatting books from beginning to end. I'm notorious about skipping around and landing on this or that.

I finished the last tatted project in T.A.T. today. Now for the documentation. And I still have to make a series of split rings to demonstrate how to open. I might need to read that again. I open split rings the same way I do a regular ring. Find a picot or if no picot, spread the stitches enough to grab the core thread and pull it up. Ah well. This bookmark was kinda tricky. The movement of the pattern is not quite right/left, up/down....it varies depending on where you are so I had to keep a close eye on the second half especially. Did some retro-tatting and in fact, I cut out a part on the second half because I knew it was going to look ratty after I retrotatted as much as I needed to. You know....the error in joining was 3 rings and chains back. So, I've got hidden threads in more than one place on the second half. I blocked the 1st half when it was done....not sure how to do the second half, since they are together. I guess I'll just wet it and pin it down as a double layer. The unblocked side is a bit poufy so I definitely have to block it.
I always thought the corner bookmarks looked super! But now, with this one done, I'm not sure I would use it. I wonder how easily it will slide off the page?
I've been debating on whether to make the snowflake in the latest online tatting class. I think I'll have to because I don't understand why it is being made so complicated. What is the advantage? Clearly, I'm missing something.
One project I want to tackle in the new year is the ripple design in Mary Maynard's 4 Square Ring book. It's the whole reason I bought it. LOL! hmmmmmm.....I'm seeing the Silhouette tatting developed by Pat Stevens in the back....intriguing.
I want to do something more with tatting this year than motifs. For instance, I still want to make motifs and use them as an insertion in ....something.
I just tried a search on tatting blogs........hoping.........to see more.
Found myself listed at Inaminuteago - Textile Blogs, Globe of Blogs, Bite My Blog.
I see I'm still fairly unique in the blogshares industry. It's a little disappointing - I had hoped to see a few new ones.
Here is an excellent site for those who love to crochet thread snowflakes. I think many of tips might be helpful in tatting, as in adding blending filments, glitter, designing, etc.

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