I also had Rosemarie Peel's book out, Tatting for Pleasure, after seeing Umintsuru's version of the Applique Flower. I'm in love with woven picots though I seldom take the time to play with them. This was my first or second book by Rosemarie and I was still new to tatting. I only remember seeing the "celtic" style of the motif, not the interwoven picots. So many thanks to Wendy for bringing that up front!
I knew it was too late for me to tackle that motif last night and I really didn't want it in that thread anyway so I chose the heart motif in the very front of the book. It's big enough for a frame - maybe a 5 x 7 inch frame. The heart is 4" long and about 3" wide. The thread was some size 20 Manuela that I've had for ages. It was a favorite in its time. I kept pairing the finished heart with this fabric, laying it on different color stripes, using them vertically and horizontally both, finally deciding on this one. I'm not sure what I'm going to do with it. It's big, it's pastel, and not very Christmasy so I'll just put it in my box of hearts until I'm inspired further.
As I was catching up on blogs today, I noticed one that I've apparently accidently deleted on my bloglist because I know I had it at one time. So I added it back...and realized there were several blogs that have not posted in a year. I deleted about a dozen of them and also moved some that don't update to the "Resources" list. I really hate to delete blogs from the list, wondering what has happened to the owners, are they still tatting, are they well? I kept a few as it's the only contact info I have for those people. It brought up some fond memories of past tatting and tatters. I hope they reappear some day.
I've chosen the task of emptying the spare room today so I can rearrange it more efficiently and thought I'd clean the carpet while everything is out. So far....I've just thought about it. I think I better get started soon though, since it is past noon now.