I was up early this morning since I had to pick up my fair entries before I went to Greenfield. Then at Tatting Guild, there were 11 of us counting Kaye, the instructor. We tatted a star using purl tatting and a SCMR. I finished my star this evening. Just realized that I gave it 6 points and Kaye only had 5 points on her instructions. You can see I did one half at the meeting and one half at home - the tension is different.
I also got a cool pic of Maria's ribbon winner - tatted ornament covers. Will show as soon as I find out if I can include her pic.
Afterwards, I met a friend from Greenfield for lunch and then we went to an antique store where I found some Stitch and Sew and Popular Needlework magazines. Myrtle Hamilton's work is in Stitch 'n Sew - several doilies, a collar, an insertion, bridal veil headset, a wall pincushion, tatting bag, and tatting implement case. In Popular Needlework, Ila L. Frost had several edgings, featuring block tatting or onion rings in the design. I also picked up some magazines about knitting, more recent, and found some lovely patterns in those. One has 3 wimples; something I've wanted to knit for a long, long time.
Last night, I had a surprise in the mail. Gail sent me a needlebook for tatting decorated with her inspired frog closure. I love this!
I was going to finish the painting tonight, but it's so late now, I think I'll tat. Again. More.
Process: Color Options
12 hours ago
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