I've been tatting and this is just a small part of what I've done. The celtic love knot is a free pattern from Ruth Perry's
website. The heart is "Puppy Love" from Susan Fuller's
A Potpourri of Tatted Patterns. She has "Heart's Desire" on the next page and it's a little bigger. I've decided to tat that one, 2 of them actually, in 2 shades of blue for my newly remarried coworker. I can't seem to get back to the Dusenbury heart, but I'll finish it when I get a few other things out of the way. I've tried this Puppy heart before with the beads as instructed in the directions but I kept making mistakes. This time I skipped the beads and it worked out fine.
It's been a strange sort of day. Very chilly for mid July. Then I decided to come home for the afternoon but made a quick stop at Walmart to pick something up and ran into a cousin I haven't seen in a very long time. Came home and had a lovely surprise in the mail from a friend! I took a nap then and woke up to hear the phone ringing, only to find no one there. The second time that's happened today. Once at work and once at home. Then the evening seemed full of phone calls. A student group asking for donations for the Purdue building fund from Purdue parents. I laughed out loud at that one. Poor kid. Then my daughter in law called to tell me my youngest grandson broke his arm while jumping on a trampoline. Then she called again to tell me they needed to do surgery on the arm. Then my son called because he didn't realize his wife had already called. Bummer.......if you happened to tune in around Christmas and saw a little boy hugging Santa up above.....that's the fella. I spent a little time sending him love and healing energy and prayers.
It seems like I'm forgetting a call. Maybe not - I also had someone stop by to look at some repairs I need done in the flooring before the carpet is installed.
I tried to walk up at the middle school but the mosquitos chased me out after 2 rounds. I cleaned off my table which is the landing pad for anything I walk in the door with. Did you know they have these wonderful scent packets you can put in your paint and it perfumes your home for up to a year? I was putting the second coat of paint on the trim yesterday and used it - much better than paint smell! I only got about halfway done. I hope I didn't say that already. I don't want to go back and check. I picked a lavendar scent, but I remember seeing Ocean something and Citrus something and a few others.
Anyway, what I was leading up to........when I was in Menard's yesterday getting a sanding block to sand some of the trim before I painted, I found these little beauties.
They're called
Biscuits! LOL! They are made of compressed beech wood for wood joining and expand when used with water based glue. Well, you know why I bought them? They look like tatting shuttles! I'm wondering what will happen if I paint them? Will they pouf out? Another tatting toy!
Well, it's late and I need some sleep.
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