I was drawn to this bookmark the first time I laid eyes on it. It's from #16, KNOTS tatting newsletter, March 1997. The designer is Kimberly Donohue and it's called Butterfly Bookvine.
I used a new thread I bought from Palmettos, Olympus #40. It's very difficult to read the label - looks like several different languages are on there. It's a variegated thread and tatted up very nicely. I only bought one ball of this brand. The butterflies were from a collection of various sizes, tatted from shuttle endings. I have them laid out to send to Palmettos but have to find the address again. Anyway, I really like the way the bookmark turned out. Directions say to run a ribbon through it, but I'll probably do a tassle instead. I considered doing a green vine and a color for the rings the butterflies are joined to, but decided to make it simple and try out the Olympus thread too.
I did find the thread for the sock monkey and my crochet hooks. Had to dig a bit. Ended up tatting the book mark instead of crocheting the monkey, but maybe tonight after I get done painting.
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