Monday I was browsing in a tatting cyberlist, looking for the email to send flutters to Palmettos, and catching up on patterns, news, etc. I suddenly remembered why I had unsubbed for a long time. It's next to impossible to find the source of a "thread". Subject lines are changed and references to prior posts that are relevant to the current post are removed..........I was really getting pissed trying to find out the background of the "cherub" doily. Never did find out. I almost always respond privately on that list. That way I know what I've written is received the way I intended. The only way you know what is going on there is if you read it religiously and have a very good memory. One of the better changes yahoo made was when they added "up thread" which permits you to go to the initial post of a thread. I love that feature. But if the subject line is changed, it won't work.
Okay, venting mode off.
Jane Eborall did it again! This time she has designs for a flamingo and a stork carrying a baby.
Sock Monkey Butt
It's been so many years since I crocheted one of these monkeys, but I remember there wasn't that much to it. It's takes more time to stuff it and put it together, add the features and details, than the actual crocheting.
Yup, last coat of trim went on! This is the NE corner, showing one of the new closets by the fireplace. There is another closet on the other side. Here is part of the front window, there are 3 sections like this one. I just wanted to show off the paint color. I still need to touch up the ceiling where I ....ooopsied....and scrub the fireplace front and inside. Doug is coming Wednesday to do the floor repairs. I'm trying to decide what kind of drapes/curtains to make. I got some fabric swatches that I love. Not sure where I got them from but there were only 2 places so it won't be hard to find.
Surfing, I found this travel box pillow for bobbinlacers.
Process: Color Options
12 hours ago
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