My tatting group associated with this blog is getting all keyed up about a tatting bag exchange I'm hosting, as well as a tatted frog contest! The frog isn't the croaking kind, but the kind you use as a fastener on clothing or other objects. I've posted one of the patterns here before, the blue flowery looking ones. There are 2 more from the February 1920 issue of Needlecraft and I decided to tat up #2 today. Since I'm offering the prize, I can't least not to win, but I just added a bag with a tatted frog closure to the prize, which was originally a 10 yard sample of my hand-dyed vintage thread and a plastic fish shuttle! This is fun!
The frog was so easy once I made it. I left the ends long enough to sew it down with. There is an error still in the directions. At the very end, there needs to be ch 4 before fastening to the base of the first ring. Otherwise it will be lopsided. Before making the loop for either the button or the loop that goes over the button, it says ch 4, p, ch2, p, ....then the loop. I found that using a paperclip on the ring shuttle thread made the p for joining on the way back a bit easier to handle. It only took about a yard of this thread, which is probably around size 12 in perle cotton, wound on the shuttle to make one frog. I didn't measure, leaving the thread in the skein, but I think the chaining part used about a yard too, so this is a good way to use small amounts of thread. Size 20 would probably need closer to 1 1/2 yards on the ring shuttle. that was my tatting fix for the weekend. Still have painting to do and on for a week or so................
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