When I returned home from my grandson's birthday party at the skating rink, the mail had arrived and I had a flutter from Ginny in my roundrobin and a package from an ebay win. The flutter was lovely, as they all are, and I expect it will show up on the roundrobin page referred to in ealier posts. The ebay package consisted of an automatic needle threader, a thimble, a little pair of scissors, a screwdriver, and a part to a Singer sewing machine. None of which I'll use, except maybe the screwdriver. There was also shuttle in there - and that was what I wanted. It is flat on one side and curved on the other, which wasn't obvious in the online photo. A brass rivet in the center - and the two pieces turn. It's completely filled with thread, looks like a nice 6 cord around size 30 or smaller, but not as small as 70/80. It's a creamy mottled sort of color, different from any I have. Glad I bid on it. It didn't go for all that much, but coming from Australia, the postage was high.
I finished attaching the last 2 yellow blossoms to the fan last evening and made one lavendar one. The bead I want to use was too small for the crochet hook so I used a different one to test. Now I've got one of the bigger ones, prestrung, and will give it a go here shortly.
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